- Make an effort to eat healthily and in a balanced way.
Although you may not look forward to eating them, green, leafy vegetables are a great first step toward a healthy prostate. These vegetables are packed with healthy nutrients, especially vitamin C and other antioxidants that are beneficial to your prostate and general health.
Find some healthy dishes that use lettuce, spinach, kale, and broccoli if you want a meal that is both tasty and excellent for your prostate.
When eating this abundance of vegetables, you should avoid eating any charred meats. PhIP, a chemical compound formed when meat is cooked at high temperatures, has been linked to an increased risk of cancer.
- Bask in the Sun
Sunscreen is essential, but you shouldn't hide from the sun. A higher risk of developing prostate cancer has been linked to insufficient sun exposure. Exposure to the sun, which is a good source of vitamin D, is recommended for men who want to reduce their risk of developing prostate cancer.
Vitamin D also helps in several other ways to keep us healthy. In addition to helping keep your heart healthy, it also protects your kidneys and pancreas.
- Go for Checkups
Whether or not a patient is deemed to be at high risk for getting prostate cancer can have a significant impact on the screening recommendations. If you are 40 or older and in a high-risk group for prostate cancer, you should start thinking about getting checked. Men of average risk should begin considering screening options once they reach age 55.
Some men are more likely to get prostate cancer than others, and these risk factors include:
- African-Americans
- Those of Scandinavian descent
- Anyone with a family history of prostate cancer is defined as having at least two affected relatives.
Some common cancer screening procedures include the digital rectal exam and the PSA blood test. You may be a candidate for the prostate health index test if you have had a normal digital rectal exam and an above-normal result on the PSA test. Your prostate health can be evaluated using this test. This blood analysis is similar to the PSA test, but it provides more accurate information about the underlying condition. Johns Hopkins is one of the few hospitals in the United States to routinely offer the test after receiving FDA approval in 2012.
varied prostate cancer tests have varied benefits and drawbacks, therefore the decision to begin screening should be made in conjunction with your primary care physician.