Health and weight control require a balanced lifestyle and nutritious nutrition. Maintaining a diet and weight journal, exercising, and seeking social support can help you lose weight.
1. Eat diverse, colourful, nutritious foods.
Human diets should include healthy meals and snacks. Each meal should have 50% fruit and vegetables, 25% whole grains, and 25% protein to form a simple meal plan. Total fibre consumption should be 25–30 grammes.G everyday trusted source.
Avoid trans fats and saturated fats, which increase coronary heart disease risk.
Instead, people can eat monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA).
2. Log food and weight.
Self-monitoring is key to weight loss. People can record their daily food intake in a paper diary, mobile app, or online. They can track their improvement by weighing themselves regularly.
Those who can track their progress and see physical changes are more likely to lose weight.
BMI calculators help people track their BMI.
3. Exercise regularly.
Regular exercise benefits mental and physical health. Weight loss frequently requires controlled physical activity increases.
Ideal daily activity is one hour of moderate-intensity movement like brisk walking. If one hour per day is impossible, the Mayo Clinic recommends 150 minutes per week.
Non-exercisers should progressively increase their exercise and intensity. This is the most lasting technique to make exercise a habit.
Physical activity tracking may help people lose weight psychologically, much like documenting meals does. There are many free mobile apps that track calorie balance after logging meals and activities.
New exercisers might start by doing the following to build up their fitness:
Taking stairs, raking leaves, walking a dog, gardening, dancing, and outdoor games.
parking farther from a building entrance
4. Avoid liquid calories
Sugary soda, tea, juice, and alcohol can lead to hundreds of calories every day. These are called “empty calories” because they supply energy without nutrients.
Unless a smoothie replaces a meal, stick to water or unsweetened tea and coffee. A squeeze of lemon or orange can flavor water.
Do not confuse dehydration with hunger. Water can help quell hunger between meals.
5. Controlling stimulus and cue
Many environmental and social signals may cause overeating. Television may cause some people to overeat. Others have problems passing a bowl of candy without eating some.
Understanding what causes the impulse to snack on empty calories might help people adapt their routine to reduce these triggers.
6. Plan ahead
Stocking a kitchen with diet-friendly goods and setting meal plans will boost weight loss.
Clear your kitchen of processed and junk foods and stock up on goods for simple, healthy meals to lose weight. This prevents impulsive eating.
Planning food before going to social events or restaurants may also help.